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Safety precautions

Here is something you need to pay attention to for your northern lights adventure in Tromsø:

Roll down to explore:

  1. Purchase travel insurance before the trip.

  2. Save local emergency contact numbers – Police: 112; Fire department: 110; Ambulance: 113.

  3. Bring a small first-aid kit with the medicines you may need

  4. Mind the extremely slippery ice on the road surface when the temperature is below 0°C – Wear antiskid shoes and avoid frozen areas.

  5. Be aware of thick snow – Do not enter any snowfield before testing its depth with a crabstick. Some snowfields look thin but are in fact 1-2 meters in depth.

  6. Be aware of the fast-changing weather conditions in winter – Check the weather forecasts frequently.

  7. Look out for wildlife – Do not intimidate or chase them, especially the commonly- seen moose. It can result in serious injury and even death.

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